About The Owners

primal / prīməl / adjective meaning: essential, original

Otilia and Matt Rose grew up in John Day, a beautiful small town in Eastern Oregon of less than 2,000 people. They have proudly called Payette County their home the last 11 years. They are proud parents of 4 beautiful children, 2 dogs, and 1 cat. Matt and Otilia are avid supporters of local businesses and involved in community events. They have always had an exceptional sense of devotion to their community and saw the need for something more than just a gym - that's how Primal Rose Fitness was created!

Matt has always led an active life whether it was playing basketball, working as a Physical Therapy tech, or competing in Strongman competitions. If you don't see Matt at the fitness center, then you'll find him camping, fishing, hiking, or traveling as he is an enthusiastic lover of all things outdoors. Matt is a Certified Personal Trainer with certifications in Group Fitness and Nutrition.

Otilia has been helping people buy and sell real estate in Idaho & Oregon during her real estate career the last 7.5 years. Along with her love for real estate and the outdoors, Otilia has always enjoyed pushing her limits with weightlifting. She is the only person in the entire world who will get off of the Jacob's Ladder happier then when she got on. Always striving to better herself, you'll more than likely find her pushing members to do the same.

Primal Rose Fitness 24/7 Gym Payette Idaho's image

Contact Us

540 S 16th St Unit 117 Payette, ID. 83661